Annual Fall Conference
Each fall, Notre Dame hosts an array of people for the premier conference on the many topics that fall under the "Church Property" umbrella. Attendees include, but are not limited to:
- Church Leaders: Diocesan CFOs and directors of real estate, superintendents, priests, religious, bishops, superiors, and canon lawyers
- Academics, Students, and Researchers: Architects, finance, history, sociology, urban planning, GIS, environmental science, civil engineering, civil law, theology, and more
- Industry Experts: Finance, brokerage, entrepreneurs, architects, owners reps, predevelopment consultants, city planners, healthcare, and developers
The 2024 fall conference is planned for September 16 - 17.
2023 Speakers Included:
Michael T. Davitt, Director of Real Estate, Archdiocese of Los Angeles
Ginny DeMain Myrick, CEO & Executive Director, Cathedral District - Jacksonville, FL
Megan MacIver, VP of Real Estate, DCG Strategies
Nina Farrell, VP, Public Institutions & Higher Education, JLL
Matthew Philipp Whelan, Assistant Professor of Moral Theology & Social Ethics, Baylor University and author of Blood in the Fields: Óscar Romero, Catholic Social Teaching, and Land Reform
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