Seed Grants
CPI is currently accepting applications from Notre Dame faculty and graduate students for research seed funding. Grants range from $5,000 to $50,000 and may be used to fund travel, hire research assistants, acquire data, or secure needed research services, or for other justifiable expenses. Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis.
To apply
Submit a proposal to by PDF attachment to with the following structure:
1. Executive Summary (250 words)
Summarize the project's research question, activities, and targeted outcomes (e.g., generation of a novel dataset, submission to a peer-reviewed journal, completion of a discrete stage of a larger project) and describe the contribution you expect the project to make to church property scholarship.
2. Background & Significance
Provide more context for the project within its scholarly context and the researcher's agenda and trajectory. Will this project catalyze a junior scholar's foray into the church properties space? Will it bring a senior scholar's work into conversation with new interlocutors? Contribute a needed dataset or foundational research to empower further investigation? Expand existing scholarship to consider faith-based actors?
3. Research Team
Introduce the research team with a paragraph-long biography for each collaborator. (Also attach or link to a CV for each collaborator.)
4. Key Activities & Timeline
Describe the research activities the project entails, particularly as pertains to the catalytic impact of awarded funds. Indicate the expected timeline for completion of key activities.
5. Budget
Indicate the sum requested ($5,000 - $50,000) and a budget outlining expected expenses to justify the requested sum.